About us

ALSEC at a Glance


Founded on March 1, 2019 by Markus Lenzin and Reto Amsler, ALSEC Cyber Security Consulting AG focuses on providing cyber security services in the Operational Technology (OT) environment according to the highest standards. 
ALSEC's rapidly growing workforce combines many years of experience in the OT/IT security environment in the energy supply sector with state-of-the-art knowledge on the subject in industries with critical infrastructure.

Competence - Experience

Our customers operate critical infrastructures whose security must be considered as a whole in terms of organization, technology, processes and training.

We are an active member of the OT Community in Switzerland and in neighbouring countries. We are in close contact with producers of OT security solutions as well as with universities in the field of OT security.


Please read our latest blog entry

Article only available in German.

Schweizer Energie-Unternehmen setzen Sicherheitsstandards