ICT-Minimum Standard Assessment

ICT-Minimum Standard Assessment

As of July 1, 2024, new provisions of the Electricity Supply Ordinance (StromVV) will apply. Grid operators, producers and service providers will then have to fulfill a duty of proof and due diligence and achieve and demonstrate a binding level of protection against cyber threats..=> Read our blog post on the topic. 

Trust Through Security 

Our ICT assessment package provides a detailed analysis of your current OT environment in terms of cyber security. Together, we create a report and support you in identifying potential vulnerabilities and deficiencies, as well as providing clear options for action to improve your cyber resilience. 

Why an ICT assessment with ALSEC? 

  1. Compliance with legal requirements: Our assessment helps you as an energy supply company (ESCO) to evaluate the regulatory requirements, mitigate them accordingly and be able to report them at any time. 
  2. Transparency and insight: Find out the current status of your OT environment and identify potential risks and vulnerabilities. 
  3. Strengthening resilience: We support you in securing your infrastructure to withstand even the most demanding threats. 
  4. Cost-effective solutions: We work together to develop a solution that not only meets critical regulatory requirements, but also keeps your costs in mind. 
  5. First-hand support: ALSEC's industry specialists were instrumental in the development of the "Handbook of Basic Protection for Operational Technology in Power Supply". 

With ALSEC at your side, companies can not only protect themselves against threats, but also establish a sense of security.

Get started into a future-proof cyber world today and let us know if we may contact you without any obligation.

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Back to analog für Business Continuity

Gerade in industriellen Umgebungen von kritischen Infrastrukturen ist ein Betrieb mit hoher Verfügbarkeit, möglichst ohne jede Unterbrechung der Produktionsprozesse, absolut unabdingbar. Das Thema Business Continuity Management (BCM) spielt im Kontext der Security in diesem Bereich eine besonders grosse Rolle. Wenn ein Cyberangriff erfolgt und dadurch Infrastruktur lahmgelegt wird, müssen möglichst typengleiche Systeme (Hardware) als Ersatzsysteme mit kompatibler Software (Firmware, Betriebssystem) unmittelbar bereitstehen, damit Backups zurückgespielt und Systeme wiederhergestellt werden können. Bis dies erfolgt ist, müssen zudem Ersatzprozesse möglichst sofort in Kraft treten.